At Codington Elementary in Wilmington, North Carolina, kids are getting ready for their annual Halloween costume parade, just like at almost every other school across the country. Except for the children in Codington’s special education class, the parade may mean a bit more. On this day, thanks to 101 Mobility, non-verbal and non-ambulatory kids get to feel “normal” among their classmates, because that they are in wheelchairs, doesn’t mean they can’t rock the costumes of their dreams.
Many kids with disabilities can feel cut off from their peers on a daily basis, even though as one teacher told BabyCenter, “We work hard at Codington Elementary to teach all of our students to accept and celebrate our differences.”
Another teacher explained why kids participating in the parade in their wheelchair costumes means so much, saying, “It is a beautiful experience to see all the general education students cheering on their friends who have mild to significant disabilities. I [also] really love to see the families of my students who are so proud of their child, while enjoying the spotlight that shines on them during each Halloween Parade!”
Scroll through the slideshow to see highlights from last year’s parade (look out for the Red Baron airplane costume that is actually the largest one yet!):

The end of the parade, which also serves to raise awareness about public education programs, doesn’t mark the end of the life of the special Halloween costumes created by 101 Mobility. The organization actually transports each elaborate costume to students’ homes so they can wear them again when they go trick-or-treating.
Pretty amazing, huh? And get this: The teachers keep the final costumes a secret from the students until the day of the parade, so the surprise is even bigger. Can you imagine the excitement in the air, especially after the months that go into creating each look?
My personal favorite costume has to be the shark cage. Tied with the train. And the cupcake. Okay, fine. I love ’em all, but more than anything, I love the looks on the kids’ faces as they get their Halloween on!
Can’t wait to see what 101 Mobility comes up with this year!
Which costume is your favorite?
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