Photos: My busy day out with 3 kids (and one infant)

by Unknown , at 10:49 , has 0 nhận xét
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I was recently tasked with taking my 5-year-old son, Z, to a pediatric dentist for his first (and hopefully last) filling.


As if the idea of my son getting his tooth drilled wasn’t stressful enough, we had an hour drive for his 9:30 a.m. appointment AND I had to take his two younger sisters — 2 ½ and 4 months — with us by myself. Talk about a logistical nightmare, right?

As you can imagine, this presented a number of parenting challenges, including but not limited to: 1) Keeping kids entertained and baby happy on the drive there and back, 2) Keeping the girls occupied/calm during the procedure while making sure Z didn’t freak out, and 3) Not losing my sanity.

I’m happy to report that we survived the experience with my sanity intact. In fact, I decided to turn our adventure into a full-blown day out and about with the kiddos. And you know what? We ended up having a ton of fun!

Thanks to Huggies Snug & Dry Ultra Diapers, our busy day out with baby in tow went even more smoothly than I could have hoped. I didn’t have to worry about her getting fussy because her diaper offered up to 12 hours of protection and a special quilted liner that keeps the wetness away from her skin. She stayed comfy and dry on the road and in my arms. So I could concentrate on helping all three of my children stay safe while exploring the exciting world around them.

Click through the slideshow, below, to follow us through our busy day on the go with baby.

6 a.m.: Good morning, bright eyes! Like most days, Baby A is the first one awake this morning. This is exactly why she has her own room for now and the older two share a room.

Time for a fresh Huggies Snug & Dry Ultra diaper and some milk, and then it's downstairs to get ready for our day out. We try to be as quiet as possible, so I won't have to juggle three kids at once while going through my morning routine. I grab our clothes to change downstairs in order to minimize our noise level.

6:30 a.m.: We're both fed and dressed and my perpetual dark circles are concealed. But big brother and sister are still sleeping. Let's change that.

Rise and shine, kiddos!

Baby hangs out in her activity center while I get breakfast ready for the older two. This arrangement keeps her in good spirits because there are plenty of distractions, but mama is still in sight. Plus, both of my hands are free to get plates prepared and on the table.

8 a.m. While the older two chow down on breakfast, it's probably a good idea to top off the baby before our departure. That way, she stays full and happy during our long car ride -- and I won't have to make a pit stop along the way to feed her.

8:20 a.m.: Z and H are now fed and dressed, have gone potty, and have their shoes on. Time to load up the minivan.

8:30 a.m.: After filling up my gas tank, we're off! The older two each have a drink and Frozen is playing on the car DVD player. I may have belted out a song or two from behind the steering wheel.

9: 30 a.m.: Z is getting his "cavity bug brushed off." The pediatric dentist was awesome about explaining the procedure in non-scary, kid terms. Z was so brave.

While big brother is getting his tooth drilled, H enjoys a snack. It hardly seems fair.

Baby A decides she needs a snack, too. Thankfully, this is all she really needs to be a happy camper while sitting idly for a bit. Ah, the power of closeness and milk.

11 a.m.: Now that the stressful part is over, we drive to a nearby mall for some fun. I load up the stroller, wear the baby, and we're off!

Baby girl got comfy and fell asleep in her carrier shortly after we got to the mall. This right here is why I'm a baby-wearing mom. My I-need-to-be-touching-mommy-at-nearly-every-waking-moment daughter would have been crying after two minutes in the stroller.

We find the children's museum, and the kiddos dive into the fun that awaits. There were so many stations for them to explore, including a fire station, a recycling truck, purple sand, Legos, a grocery store and more.

After a cat nap, Baby A is awake and checking out her surroundings. As long as I'm holding her, she goes with the flow.

Looks like baby girl is in need of a quick change. Huggies Snug & Dry Ultra Diapers (sizes 1 and 2) have convenient wetness indicators -- which change from yellow to blue -- to help me easily check if it's time for a fresh diaper.

Noon: Baby A also gets an opportunity to be hands-on at the "grocery store." She loves touching (and mouthing) new textures. I guess the pretend apple reminds her that she's hungry because she lets me know it's time for some more milk.

Yet another area in the children's museum is a mini library filled with comfy places to sit. I choose a spot over here with baby sister. We can hang out while watching over the older two, who are enthralled with a nearby station.

Reading time! It's refreshing not looking at the same dozen books over and over again.

1 p.m.: Z's numbing medication has finally worn off. Time to find some lunch for these hungry kiddos. Annnnnd it turns out there's exactly one restaurant at this mall ...  pizza it is!

All the while, Baby A has drifted off yet again. Baby-wearing for the win. While the kids are stuffing their faces with all of the carbs, I also eat all of the carbs and listen in on a conference call. Multitasking at its finest.

Time for a quick diaper change back at our van.

2 p.m.: I manage to work up a sweat while packing the kids back into my van for the drive home. Our day out is officially over. And this mama is officially exhausted.

There’s no way I could have made it through the day, much less had fun with the kids, without these diapers.

Huggies Snug & Dry Ultra Diapers are only available at Walmart or

What tips do you have for making a day out and about with baby go smoothly?

Share your thoughts!

This post is sponsored by Huggies Snug & Dry Ultra Diapers. I received free product for the purpose of this post. All ideas and opinions are my own.

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