Do you do these 8 taboo things in front of your kids?

by Unknown , at 22:48 , has 0 nhận xét

So, the other day I was putting in a tampon and my toddler walked into the bathroom. “What’s that? What are you doing to your butt?” She had all kinds of questions. But it wasn’t the first time she’d seen me tend to my “female needs.” She’s two, so she doesn’t remember we’d already had this conversation.

In any event, that I really don’t think much of my kids being in the bathroom with me during “that time of the month” got me wondering if other moms feel the same way. And then I began to contemplate what other so-called taboo things I do in front of my kids, other moms do as well.

Where do you stand on doing these 8 things with your kids around?

1. Going to the bathroom.  Here’s a place I’m never alone. Like, ever. I don’t have a choice when it comes to getting privacy in the bathroom, because my kids just barge right in. Does this gross invasion of personal space end when they get older? Please tell me the answer is “yes!”




2. Putting in a tampon. Since I’m never alone in the bathroom, my children also see me tend to my “female needs” each month, as I said. For a while, I’d try to be discreet, and hide what I was doing so I wouldn’t have to have “that conversation” with my daughters. But now I figure if they refuse to give me a moment to myself in the bathroom, then they get to see it all. And let them ask their questions about why there’s a string hanging out of me. Serves them right for standing on top of me every second.

3. Making love. Some couple might be okay with having sex with their baby in the room, sleeping perhaps. But actually, this always freaked me out, even when I had infants. What if they knew what we were doing? Ridiculous, I know. Still…

4. Walking around naked. I am a firm believer that my daughters should know I am comfortable with my body, so they will grow up feeling comfortable with their own bodies. So yes, I walk around naked in our house all the time. Every day. Multiple times a day, in fact. And I don’t plan to stop doing that until it feels super weird, if it ever does.

5. Arguing. It’s my humble opinion that it is not realistic to expect you’d never argue around your children. Sure, my husband and I try not to fight with out kids around, but I can’t say it has never happened. Later, I always explain to my daughters why mommy was upset with daddy, in terms they can understand. “You know how you get annoyed when your sister takes your toy without asking? Mommy didn’t like how daddy had to work late and didn’t call.” My hope is that my girls will grow up knowing that their parents love each other very much, but that marriage isn’t perfect, and it takes work. Good justification for when I get pissed at my hubby and can’t pretend to like him at that moment, right?

6. Getting drunk. I’ll definitely enjoy a glass of wine in front of my girls. But I would never get sloshed with them around. Like, so drunk that I lost track of their whereabouts or something. I save that for after they go to bed, natch.




7. Swearing. So I never swear with my kids around, with one exception: when I’m driving. Sorry, but I’m the granddaughter of a New York City cab driver, so you can’t expect me to have a clean mouth in the car. I always tell my kids, “Never repeat anything mommy says behind the wheel.” I think they get it, but I’m sure some day my toddler will embarrass the crap out me on the playground by yelling, “Move it, douche bag!”

8. Watching the news. This is something I actually don’t do with my kids around anymore. There are just too many horrible things about the world that I want to shelter them from as long as possible, like school shootings, terrorism, drug overdoses, teen suicide… the list goes on and on. I know the day will come when I won’t be able to keep them from many of the ugly realities of life. But we aren’t there yet, and I’m not about to scare my 7-year-old half to death by turning on the news before she gets on the school bus in the morning.

Which of these taboo things do you do in front of your kids? Which of them would you never do?

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