Why this pic is among one family’s most treasured photos

by Unknown , at 10:48 , has 0 nhận xét

The birth of little Jett Ann was unlike any other arrival Sophia Costa of Three Plus Photography has captured. To start with, the little girl’s parents didn’t know ahead of time if they were having a son or daughter — but even more dramatic was the moment their newborn was whisked to the NICU.

The Hawaii-based photographer writes on her blog:

“On March 18th, as we were in communication to decide when I should come over, the decision to break Mom’s bag of waters to insert an internal heart monitor for baby was made. As soon as that happened, baby’s heart rate went down and she was rushed into the OR.

As I was on my way to meet them, and after failed attempts to bring baby’s heart back up, an emergency cesarean section was performed. Dad wasn’t able to be in the OR.

Jett wasn’t born breathing and had to be resuscitated. Mom just caught a quick glance of her daughter before she was taken to the NICU accompanied by Dad.

I arrived as Mom was brought into the room for recovery. She still hadn’t really seen or touched her daughter…It was an intense moment. I felt like an intruder in such a personal and emotional moment, but knew that they would later appreciate having these moments caught on film and photos, so I did my job and captured as much as I could.”

Take a moment to look the emotion-filled images Sophia took:

All images shared with permission from Three Plus Photography.

Ten days later Sophia visited the hospital again, and was able to document Jett Ann going home.

Sophia noted that in the images Jett “will see how strong and brave her parents were, how she was a fighter from the moment of birth, and how much she is loved.”

And as for baby girl’s name?

Her mom explains “So with a room full of medical professionals and our daughter set to be transported for quite a fight, we decided on Jett Ann. With her full head of dark hair and her dramatic entrance, it felt perfect.”

If this all hasn’t emotional enough on its own, Sophia also captured video of this family welcoming their child. Grab a tissue, and check it out:


Many thanks to Jett Ann’s family and Sophia for sharing this touching story and these beautiful images with our BabyCenter Blog readers!

Do you have a particularly treasured photo of your baby?

Tell us about it -- or upload below!

All images shared with permission from Three Plus Photography


More from Sophia Costa, via her personal challenge to take one photo per week this year that she’s in with her kids:

All images shared with permission from Three Plus Photography

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