Video: Moms nail minivan dilemma in hilarious parody

by Unknown , at 22:49 , has 0 nhận xét
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If you already have a couple of kids and have considered adding more to your brood, chances are you’ve asked yourself this question: Should I buy a minivan?

I mean, what’s not to love? So. Much. Space. Space for all of the kids/their stuff, trash and crumbs/forgotten sippy cups/friends who happen to be tagging along. Not to mention these suckers are fantastic for vacations.

This isn’t to say the leap from car to minivan, or even SUV to minivan, isn’t a monumental one. As the four funny moms of The Texting Yoga Pants — who created a hilarious parody video titled, Never Though I’d Do It — illustrate perfectly, it’s kind of a big deal.

“As you know, during motherhood we all go through many different changes and phases,” Lauren Tenney, lyric writer and vocalist for the video, told BabyCenter. “Getting to the point where you are asking “Well, should I buy a minivan? Could I? Would I?” is just another natural progression we will all go through. Soooo … knowing that we will all ask that at least once during our motherhood reign, we decided it was the perfect subject for our next parody.”

Check out their spot-on parody, below!

If you happen to be reading this at work or while holding a sleeping baby, here’s a sampling of the lyrics:

“Never thought I’d do it, but here I stand. I’m buying a van. I sold out to all the leg room. I press a magical button, the doors they open up. No more jacking up the cars next to us.”

“I know what you’re sayin’ — I won’t be cool anymore when I get this van. Yes, my car’s been good to me ever since I was a single lady. But now I’m a mommy trying to squeeze three car seats across a single row, y’all.”

The Texting Yoga Pants    Never Thought I d Do It    YouTube

*Slow clap* My thoughts, exactly.

I finally traded in my tiny red car last November when I was pregnant with my third child. There was just no safe way to cram three car seats in the back row of this pint-sized vehicle. Alas, a minivan became the next logical step. I kissed my trusty pre-kid car goodbye and upgraded to a mom vehicle.

Enter the pre-owned Chevy Uplander.

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Sure, it’s not very pretty. And there’s some large, mystery stain on the middle-row floor that kind of grosses me out. But it’s so spacious! I can spread out my kids so they’re not hitting/instigating each other while I’m trying to concentrate on the road. I can go grocery shopping without playing Tetris in the parking lot. And hello, there are cup holders for miles! Most importantly, it can comfortably carry all three kids, plus some bonus kids if comes to that.

I’m so in love with my glorious minivan and all of its practicality. Sure, it might not be what cool moms drive. Call it a “soccer mom” van all you want. I won’t care. (Technically, I did just register my son for a fall soccer league, so you would be correct.) Me and my van, we get each other. And now that I’ve seen the possibilities, I am never going back.

Featured screenshot via YouTube/The Texting Yoga Pants

Do you drive a minivan? Why or why not?

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