Today, my kids will eat enough candy to guarantee they’ll develop at least 14 cavities a piece. Or at least that is my fear. I also worry they’ll get sick to their stomachs after too many Twizzlers, mini-Butterfingers, and packets of Skittles. But that’s an entirely different story.
I decided to ask a dental expert how much candy really is too much. And the answers seriously surprised me. As in, I’m going to confiscate my kids’ entire trick-or-treating bounty, like, now. (Okay, I probably won’t).
But, “Even one piece of candy is too much if you are not going to brush your teeth after it’s eaten,” Natalia Chalmers, D.D.S., Ph.D., a board-certified pediatric dentist and the director of analytics and publication at the DentaQuest Institute, told BabyCenter in an email.
Explains Chalmers, “When it comes to your oral health, the amount of candy isn’t as important as how we eat it.” So whether your little ghouls and goblins are stuffing their faces with Starburst after Starburst, or grazing throughout the afternoon and evening, it’s all about what happens after they eat.
“Proper brushing and flossing remove carbohydrate residues from the teeth left behind by sugary snacks that can be harmful and potentially contribute to tooth decay.” Chalmers recommends brushing teeny teeth with fluoridated toothpaste at the end of the candy feast. And, any time tots eat sweets, year round.
Otherwise, harmful bacteria in the mouth absorbs sugar from mini-Milky Ways and Hershey bars, and forms acids that can destroy tooth enamel and lead to cavities. Learn more about that here.
I was shocked to learn that the acid produced by the bacteria in our mouths after eating sugary treats, impacts baby and permanent teeth the same! “There is a misconception that baby teeth are not as important because they are temporary,” Chalmers told BabyCenter. “The truth is that losing baby teeth too early can affect the growth and development of permanent teeth.”
According to Chalmers, certain types of candy are actually worse for teeth than others! Yikes! “Avoid candy like lollipops that stay in the mouth,” she says, adding, “With sticky and chewy candy, you run the risk of it getting lodged in the crevices of the teeth and again subjecting the teeth to a long acid attack. Instead, chocolate candies that are easier to brush and floss away and those lower in sugar may be better ideas.”
And skip sugary drinks and sodas to avoid adding even more sugar!
But before you panic and cancel Halloween, Chalmers wants parents to know that very little will actually happen to teeth after one day of overdoing it. Just make sure your candy-loving kiddos brush, floss or rinse with water at the very minimum after indulging. And this advice is key: “Because some Halloween candy can be very sticky, do a spot check to make sure that your child has done a good job after brushing and flossing.” Um, yeah, especially since if your kids are anything like mine, they’ll rush through their dental care routine in about 12 seconds.
Meanwhile, just because your kiddo scored a huge bounty of candy, doesn’t mean he or she has to eat it all! I know my dentist offers a candy buy back program, and many charities collect extra candy, so you can check out those options, or just toss it!
Chalmers leaves us with these tips to keep our kids’ teeth as healthy as possible this Halloween:
- Drink fluoridated water to stay hydrated and benefit teeth.
- Serve snacks like cheese to provide nutrients that coat teeth.
- Offer sugar-free gum to stimulate the saliva, and help dilute and neutralize acid, reducing the risk of cavities.
- Use Halloween as a chance to talk about the importance of oral health and how different foods can affect teeth and gums.
- Have fun!
Do you plan to limit your child’s candy consumption this Halloween for health reasons? Or just let ’em go at their candy sacks?
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