Potty training shows my preemie insecurity

by Unknown , at 16:50 , has 0 nhận xét

My daughter Amina is almost 3. She is still not potty trained. I know everyone says they will do it in their own time and that every child is different, but I am beginning to get anxious.

When we really started to work on potty training she was receptive, and from the start she was going to the potty at least once a day. I was pretty excited that it seemed as if she was catching on fairly quickly. She was using it about 3 times a day and even had mornings when her diaper was dry and she got up to use the potty.

Then one day, pottying went into her “No” pile. It was to the point where the mere suggestion made her want to have a tantrum. Naturally I backed off. No need to fight her decision.

I was told a while ago that potty training Amina may take longer because she was born 3 months premature. She’s has always been right on track if not ahead of her developmental scale, and I thought potty training would be the same. As her mom, I feel terrible that I feel disappointed that it isn’t.

I was prepared for her to reach another milestone for a normal child her age, and not a preemie. Isn’t it odd that I feel self-conscious about something so trivial? All that matters is that she reaches the milestone, right?

Within the last week, I think Amina has decided to get back on the “Potty Train.” I’m hopeful she will take it up again with the zest she once had, but I won’t push her. It isn’t about my odd inferiority complex with my premature child who may be developmentally behind other children her age. It’s about accepting what she is, and giving her the time she needs to move ahead.

Potty training 101: Make sure you have enough toilet paper


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