My free rein with the Halloween candy is over

by Unknown , at 16:51 , has 0 nhận xét

Amina is almost 3. She’s fully aware of what Halloween and trick-or-treating is, and my control over her candy has ended.

The last couple years it was about putting her in a super cute costume, and trotting her around to get free candy — for me. Yes, I admit it. We went to multiple events so I could score the good stuff. I consider it a parental perk.
Now she keeps quite the track of her candy stash. She actually prefers whomever is passing the candy out to put it in her hand. Amina inspects everything that goes into her pink plastic pumpkin.


The inspection of the candy began last year, but I still pretty much fully controlled the candy stash situation. At 1 she was kind of the “out of sight, out of mind” type. This year she’s informing me she wants to go trick-or-treating. She knows the discussion means candy.

If I dip into her candy and she sees it, she expects a piece to come her way. If I say no, I get “but — fair!” in response. So then I have to share HER candy. That’s right I said share. She’s only 2, she does not need a whole pumpkin of candy to herself. I consider this good parenting.

Luckily as Amina becomes a candy connoisseur, I have another little semi-toothless cutie who gets candy I can fully confiscate. What is he going to do with a Snickers?


Trick-or-treating at this age is for the parents. We deserve it.

Do you have your baby participate in Halloween activities or do you wait until they are older?

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Photos courtesy of Makita Gulley.

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