You won’t believe this c-section photo actually exists

by Unknown , at 04:49 , has 0 nhận xét
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In a world where every moment is photographed, and posted to social media, it’s easy to become immune to the impact of images. Even seeing the most intimate parts of birth, is commonplace.

But then. As I was scrolling through Instagram recently, I saw a photo of a baby being born via c-section, that made me stop. And stare. With my mouth open.




This. This is truly what it looks like to be half-born. This is what it looks like to have one figurative foot in the womb, and the other earthside.

And this is what it looked like when this baby officially entered the world, not like a timid lamb, but like a roaring lion.

According to the Empowered Birth Project’s Instagram page, user @ca_seasteele said this about the image, which was taken by her fiancé, “Our doctor told us ‘OK take a picture’ I said ‘I can’t’ and they all laughed. I looked at Ryan and he was in another world so I yelled ‘Ryan take a picture!’ LOL and these are the results.”

So… this incredible, pick-my-jaw-up-off-the-floor photo almost didn’t even happen?!? And it wasn’t planned out, or premeditated in any way? Wow.

Meanwhile, the new mama, who had one previous c-section, also said, “It was all very surreal. She is such an amazing gift. I hope this photo honors those before me and gives inspiration and strength to those #pregnantor to deliver in the future.”

I can only imagine it will, and then some.

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Photo courtesy of: @ca_seasteele on Instagram

Speaking of powerful, unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime photographs, check these out. All courtesy of Aubrie Moates of Hello Baby Birth Photography.

A prolapsed cord (where the cord preceeds the baby's head in the birth canal), instantly becomes a life or death situation. If the baby's head descends and compresses the cord, the baby's oxygen supply will be cut off. The nurse has her hand on baby's head, elevating him and keeping pressure off the cord. Amazing medical team!

Daddy is overwhelmed with emotion as his wife is wheeled into the OR.

This is "Tug of War," a method laboring mamas use to push. Everyone's expressions are just priceless!

The last few years have been difficult for this family; lots of loss, including this mama's mother. This photo captures a few encouraging words just minutes before baby's arrival.


Daddy, who is a Fire Sergeant, assisted in the delivery of his son. It was beautiful moment to be a part of!

Possibly the most incredible capture for me EVER, as a birth photographer: Baby Wyatt giving his mama the universal sign for "I Love You" as he's being birthed.


This was my first experience in the delivery room with two mommies, and I adore this family! The plan is for the supporting mommy to carry their next baby.

The longest seconds of your life are waiting to hear your baby cry. There was a risk of meconium inhalation, so baby's chest was compressed until he could be suctioned. Mama is sending a million prayers up at this moment.

Mama's hands reaching for her long-awaited baby...

"SHE HAS HAIR!!" Every Mama is excited to hear their babe has a little peach fuzz on top, right? But for this mama, who was diagnosed at 29 weeks with stage 3 inflammatory breast cancer, it confirmed the radiation she received for her cancer treatments, which caused her to lose her own hair, did not reach Baby Annaline. Those are happy tears!

These are the first moments outside the womb, cord still attached. Mama labored hard for almost 24 hours, before ending up with a c-section.

There are two shots I really look forward to with each birth: the first breath, and the moment siblings and family meet the new babe. Mommy was in c-section recovery when baby Livie got to meet mommy's sister and extended family.

This shot of daddy enjoying skin-to-skin contact will make you fall in love with your husband all over again!

The most beautiful sight is a baby latching on for the first time. The breastfeeding instinct is so incredible!


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