Mom brings fairytale princesses to life in amazing photos

by Unknown , at 23:04 , has 0 nhận xét
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Kids enjoy using their imaginations. One mom decided to bring princesses and other fairytale characters to life by teaming up with her daughter to create amazing photos.

Babycenter Camillia Courts Photography snow white disney princess 1

Babycenter Camillia Courts Photography Tinker bell Disney Fairy

Photographer Camillia Courts created “The Magical World of Princesses Sessions” with her daughter Layla in 2014 when she was 5-years-old.

The Okanaga, British Columbia based photographer and daughter duo have a blast transforming their love for Disney into fairytale magic.

Just take one look at these breathtaking photos and you’ll feel transported to the magical fantasy world. Camillia told BabyCenter that creating each session is pretty quick, but could take up to a few months to plan.

The Canadian mom says she orders wigs in advance and makes most of the costumes herself. However, sometimes she gets help from a local seamstress and makeup artist.

“The Ariel tail took me a month and a half to complete. I couldn’t find any tutorials, so I made it on the fly. I made the Ursula costume as well (right down to the bustier and crown). I also made the Sail dress and had the Kiss the Girl dress commissioned by a local seamstress,” she says.

Camillia Courts Photography Ursula Little Mermaid2

Babycenter Camillia Courts Photography Ursula Little Mermaid

When it comes to getting Layla to cooperate, Camillia says it’s pretty easy because her daughter enjoys playing dress up and posing for the camera. She also says that preparation is key to making their shoots a success.

“Layla doesn’t typically like to pose for all that long and does lose interest if we push it to an hour. We talk a lot before the session about poses so that she knows what to expect. Once she gets the costume on she gets a lot of ideas and I always let her lead. If I want her to sit on the ground, but she wants to twirl, then she’s going to twirl for the photo. This is just as much my thing as it is hers! And I love that she wants to be creative with the poses. It shows in her face that she’s having fun and I’d never want to squash her creativity,” says.

But like any child, Layla isn’t always willing to strike a pose. That said, Camillia says forcing her to take photos would only work against her in the end.

If you’re wondering how Camillia is able to achieve those fantasy backdrops, she reveals that most of the locations are around her small town. Some of the them are digital backgrounds that she purchased.

Babycenter Camillia Courts Photography Tinker Bell Disney Pixie dust

Babycenter Camillia Courts Photography Merida Disney

Their creativity has garnered a lot of attention. Now these princess inspired shoots have become a business. Now Camillia enjoys helping others live out their fantasies.

Check out some of Camillia’s awesome photos below. Can you guess each fairytale character? Also, check out her Facebook page for more of her work.

Which character would you like to recreate?


Photo credit: Camillia Courts Photography

Stacy-Ann Gooden (aka Weather Anchor Mama) can be seen delivering the weather forecast on the news in New York City. But her most important role is being a wife and mom. She writes about balancing career and motherhood in her blog, Weather Anchor Mama. You can also follow her on twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

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