Daring photos celebrate all the ways boys can be boys

by Unknown , at 16:48 , has 0 nhận xét

The creator behind the #aboycantoo project believes boys can do anything. It’s the type of message typically aimed at girls, encouraging them to follow their interests in sports, science and other typically male-dominated areas, but this time the words are for our little guys.

Photographer Kirsten McGoey explains: “#aboycantoo started as a love story of sorts for my middle son who has inspired us with a love of rainbows, his constant twirls and whirls evolving into a love of dancing, singing and the stage.”

For Kirsten’s family that means their three boys go to soccer practice, like many of their peers, but they also have dance parties in the living room. She’s determined to document “the amazing boys who love to dance, bake, act, figure skate, and more.”

“Not long after I decided to pursue my first personal photography project I knew it had to shed light on these amazing boys who in the face of strong societal gender norms are embracing a strong sense of self worth, self confidence and providing inspiration for other #aboycantoo boys all over the world.”

Take a look at a few of Kirsten’s striking images:

Photos shared with permission from #aboycantoo.

Despite being a busy mom herself, Kirsten was kind enough to answer a few questions about #aboycantoo for us. A look at what she had to share with BabyCenter…

What has the reaction to your work been like?

Incredible. Giving these boys the recognition they deserve has not only given me a new perspective on the project it gives them new ways of approaching their role as role models for other boys. I have not been too aggressive with the project to start – I am letting it grow organically but we already have had requests from Australia to participate in an article, we are being featured in a local magazine and have been on local TV talking about the project.

Just this week I visited a local performing arts school (O’Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute in Oshawa). I did a round circle with 7 male dancers who all were so gracious, telling me their stories and showing me their amazing progress as student dancers. They spoke of their varied paths to this journey, the struggles and the joys it provided. It was such a real moment – a moment where I hope they are seeing how special their place is in changing gender stereotypes by simply following the path they have in front of them.

How do you handle negative comments, if you get any?

In six months I have only seen one negative comment – it was on a share link for a US-based Facebook page. Given the age of brazen critics who hide behind profiles administering their opinions without thought of the repercussions, we have been so lucky. We are being received to date with open arms, I have gotten emails saying “thank you my son needed to see this,” and “thank you for championing these special boys.”

Where do you find your subjects to photograph?

Photographers who know me, clients and friends all watch for boys who might fit the profile. Cian was featured on another site by his mom – within hours I had three emails that day saying – “Hey Kirsten, there is this amazing little boy who wears dresses. You should message his mom.”

Anything else you care to share with our readers?

To move societal norms one must educate.

There was a time when women could not vote, were not viewed as strong and told to adhere to societal norms for a mother and housewife. Campaigns by many artists and activists show women/girls are capable of being strong, scientists, athletes, and anything else they can choose.

Our project shows strong, motivated, and intelligent boys from age 4 to 18 in a positive light. The best thing one can do for our project is to share it – like our Facebook page, share it – the more we educate and share these amazing #aboycantoo profiles the more we can change the conversation.

We hope #aboycantoo will be viewed in the future as a campaign that did this for our boys.

As a girl who long ago benefited from being told she could be whatever she wanted to be, I’m thrilled to see the #aboycantoo project. It’s important, of course, to continue to encourage girls to pursue their interests, but as the mother of two boys I’ve found it’s quite rare to see anything showing boys it’s OK to embrace anything that’s not typically seen as masculine. Kudos, Kirsten!

Thanks so much to Kirsten for sharing her work with us, and be sure to follow #aboycantoo via Facebook, and its website.



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