We’re all guilty of sending text messages we wish we could jump through the phone and delete before they pop up on the receiver’s screen. Um yeah, during pregnancy that can happen a lot. Especially when the receiver is your husband, who impregnated you, and then just went on living his life.
Have you ever sent a regrettable text like this to the hubby?
Oops. Good thing most of the time, those pregnancy hormone driven texts are balanced out with sweeter, more civil sentiments. Just a few moments after the so-called “mean” text, perhaps you sent this one:
Yup, your man is in for a roller coaster of “fun” blowing up on this iPhone, daily. Here are 17 texts every pregnant women sends her partner:
See, it isn’t just you who craves Hawaiian barbecue pizza one day, then apricot sherbet the next. Nor are you the meanest pregnant wife in history; we all get a little testy when we’re growing a human being inside our bodies.
The good news is your texts will grow more ladylike after the baby is born. Nah, those texts are going to be epically worse. Sorry.
Meanwhile, have you been at the receiving end of any of these annoying text messages toward the end of your pregnancy?
I mean, what is wrong with people? Do they really want a taste of what you’d reply back if you weren’t so busy blowing up your hubby’s phone? YOU’VE BEEN WARNED, FOLKS!
What kinds of texts are you sending your hubby when you’re pregnant?
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