Photos: Dads share what Father’s Day means to them

by Unknown , at 10:48 , has 0 nhận xét

Whether by blood, adoption, marriage, or by fate, fatherhood is something that should be celebrated each and every day — and especially today, Father’s Day.

Today we pause to remember everything our fathers have done for us. How they’ve shaped us into the people we have become. How they’ve inspired us to be just like them, or to strive for even more.

Today, we thank them for the sacrifices they’ve made. The laughter and tears they’ve shared. Their stern talks and fart jokes. Their unconditional love.

In honor of this day dedicated to the dads in our lives, photographer Stacey Steinberg has shared with BabyCenter a series titled simply, “Fatherhood.” The men in these touching photos (and in some cases, their children and wives) have also offered their thoughts on what being a dad means to them.

Adam V.: “Fatherhood has taught me to stay in the present for my daughter and my wife because I want to be lovingly engaged with my family. Every day my daughter changes into a new and more complex person and I love to get to know her.”


Michael B.: “Fatherhood means being able to spend time with my two favorite people in the world and knowing I wouldn’t rather being anywhere else! Also knowing no matter what kind of day I’m having, my worries disappear the instant I see my daughter.”


Rodney J.: “Being a father to the world’s most precious little girls Nylah, Layla, and Desiree, has taught me how to love unconditionally. These girls have completely changed me as a man. I eat and sleep the fulfillment of fatherhood; it is one of the greatest times ever. The smiles I continue to put on my girls faces are priceless! There is no better moment than being a father!”


Mike N.: “Fatherhood means unconditional love through the laughter, tears, happiness, sleepless nights, the joy of being a dad. Doing whatever it takes for your kids.”


Click through the slideshow below for even more dad photos from Steinberg — along with thoughts on fatherhood from dads, their partners and children!

Michael H.: "Today I laughed with, cried about, talked to, smiled because of, yelled at, swam under, cuddled into, and dreamed children. That is what fatherhood means to me. The one thing I repeat to my children regularly is that the most important rule is to be a good person. The rest is details."

Danny G. -- from his son, Gavin, whose dad is currently oversees: "Our daddy, our soldier, our hero ."

Ben S., from Mason and Isaac: "We love our dad because he takes care of us and is awesome!"

Cole D.: "I have been a student my entire life, but never realized my 3 year-old daughter would be my best teacher. During the past 3 months I have watched her change from a healthy, happy 3 year old to one that is living her little life while dying. As our hearts break, we are overwhelmed by her beauty and wisdom, notice her courage and bravery through treatments without any possibility of ever understanding, and amazed by how much joy she gets out of ordinary things. I am so thankful that, to her, Mommy and Daddy can make everything be ok. She made me a father and she is making me a better husband, doctor, and person everyday. To PhoebeLou: 'I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.' Love Daddy"

Jesse S., written by his wife, Jan: "Jesse is a great husband because he makes me laugh everyday (even when the day sucks!). He's a great dad for the same reason. He makes Norah laugh every day, and her laughter is what makes my heart happy."

Vlad P., written by his wife, Jenifer: "Fatherhood is watching the adoration on our children's faces as they look at their Daddy, like he holds all the answers to every scary monster and every boo-boo. It's the moments when I see him teach them something new and the wonder on his face when they "get it". It's these precious moments that are shaping lifelong memories for our children -- pure and simple unconditional love."

Ken K., as told by his wife, Baharah: "I knew he'd be a great dad but he has been far far better than great, and I would never have survived medical school, residency, and first years of practice without him. He is the rare dad who does all the dishes, cleans the whole house, gets the kids laundry done, helps with homework and still makes time to spend time with all of us. He is like the BigFoot dad, you know they exist but you've never seen them!"

Brett H.: "Fatherhood is instilling morals and values that were passed down to me from my father. Teaching my beautiful daughter to strive for greatness and to be a good person, and learning as much from her as I'm teaching."

Brady I., written by his wife, Janelle: "Fatherhood is an irreplaceable and perfect balance of responsibility and embracing one's inner child. A fusion of being the rock, supporter, and provider for the family while simultaneously playing on the floor with the kids, sliding down the slide, or yes, even riling the kids up right before bed."

Pop Pop, written by his daughter, Amanda: "I'm so thankful for the 40 Father's Days we shared together. You were an incredible Dad and Pop Pop for our family. My heart aches for all the moments like these that my children will have pictures and memories of. We love and miss you Dad."

David D., from his children: "My dad is very passionate about everything he does, and that's really inspiring. He puts 100% effort into his work and his family, which is hard to do. I hope to one day be able to have as much drive and care as my father.
He is such a hilarious guy and is always fun to be around. He gives us great life advice and always knows what to say. He can always make time to help out with homework or extra curricular activities."

Andy I.: "What I find most amazing about having a child is how the joy my child brings me grows without end. Her smallest accomplishments are sources of overwhelming joy. My world begins and ends with my little girl."

Mike B., written by his four daughters: "We love Daddy because he provides everything our family needs. He works hard, is active with his children."

Pop Pop (Stacey Steinberg's dad,) as told by Stacey: "Fatherhood isn't a passive act. My dad makes a daily commitment to love and guide his family. He supports us through his wise words, his kind heart, and the strength of man willing to give his all to the people he loves."

Jeremy T., in his wife, Jennifer's, own words: "On the bad days; those days when the weight of the world seems unbearable, I look into the eyes of my children and I am instantly filled with joy. They help to remind me that there is adventure, beauty, and fun to be found in even the most mundane places. For this I am forever in their debt."

Zayde, Stacey Steinberg's father-in-law: "He was our rock, always leading our path. He may be gone, but he is still watching us, guiding us along our way."

Troy B., as told by his wife, Tammy: "It is so important to have a strong father figure. Troy loves his daughter beyond measure and is raising her to be a strong, independent, caring and loving girl."

Michael P., written by his wife, Stephanie: "The day my husband Mike became a father was on Father's Day. From the moment our first son was born, Mike effortlessly stepped into the role of fatherhood and has continued to be the most loving, supportive and amazing father to both of our boys."

John H. -- a message from his wife, quoting Abbé Prevost, Manon Lescant: "The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature."

Dan T. -- his wife, Smita, captions this: "A father hold a daughter's hand for a short while, but he holds her heart forever."

Ben S., Stacey Steinberg's husband. She says, "My children's father is their teacher, their coach, their confidant, and their protector. When life gets out of balance, he is always ready to stand by our side and help us navigate our way. Whether he is working on a trial, singing bedtime songs, coaching baseball, or pouring me a glass of wine, he is always putting his family first. He is my love, my friend, and my advocate. He is the greatest partner I could have in life."

Even if you can’t tell them face-to-face today, be sure to express gratitude to the dads in your life. Whether it’s in the form of a card, a gift, a phone call or a simple “I love you,” make it a point to celebrate these men and all they’ve done (and will continue to do) in the name of fatherhood.

Happy Father’s Day, dad!

And happy Father’s Day to the father of my three children. Love you guys!


How has your father shaped the person you are today? What does fatherhood mean to you?

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