17 precious moments to capture in baby’s first 6 months

by Unknown , at 07:55 , has 0 nhận xét

When it comes to parenting, they say the days are long but the years are short. And that’s never more true than in baby’s early life, when each day is the equivalent of 47 years, each month zips past in a millisecond, and it’s impossible to find two minutes for a shower.

Those first 6 months are so precious, though, filled with fleeting moments often lost in the blur of everyday life.

When I think back to my son’s first 6 months, I remember juggling work and family, scrambling to put food on the table, the challenges of getting my child to sleep, and feeling inadequate. But when I actually look at the photos I took during that time, the images tell a different story. I see accomplishments, giggles and laughter, moments of deep beauty and grace, heart-shattering happiness.

That’s why I say a camera is one of the most important items in a new parent’s toolkit. Because these are the things you’ll value later — the tiny shards and slivers that, pieced together, create the spectacular mosaic of life.

Here are some of the unsung moments to celebrate from baby’s first 6 months:

First probably-not-gas smile:


First time breaking loose from a swaddle:


First time meeting a furry sibling:


Snuggling with his first lovey:


Hitting the road for the first time — or in this case, hitting the trail:


First playdate, even though they didn’t do much more than just look at each other:


My friends had even more precious firsts to share from those early months, including napping with mama and experiencing snow for the first time. Yes, the days are long and the years are short, but the early moments are worth cherishing forever.

(Photo/Carey Fox)

Napping with mama.

(Photo/Kelli Owens)

First bath.

(Photo/Holly Clerkin)

First holiday.

(Photo/Stacey Shalhoub)

First time discovering toes.

(Photo/Stacey Shalhoub)

First cart ride.

(Photo/Kelli Owens)

Dreamy smile.

(Photo/Stacey Shalhoub)

First plane ride.

(Photo/Kelli Owens)

First bouncer experience.

(Photo/Stacey Shalhoub)

First time in snow.

(Photo/Tricia Casella)

First time held by mama.

(Photo/Carey Fox)

Just being awesome.

What are some of your most precious moments from baby first 6 months?

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Wishing you love, sleep, & play. Pampers. This post is sponsored by Pampers.

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