11 things that always happen when you travel with kids

by Unknown , at 16:49 , has 0 nhận xét

Whether it’s a long weekend away, or a full-blown vacation, there are certain truths that are unavoidable when you travel with kids. If you’re a mom, that is.

1. No one will pack their own suitcase. You will always do it for them.

2. Everyone else will talk about how excited they are for the trip. Your husband included. Meanwhile, you’re fretting about how much laundry you have to do.




3. You will forget something. You will! Be it a toothbrush, diapers, your underwear. In the history of families traveling, never once has a mom said, “Oh good. I have every single thing I need.”

4. Somebody will cry every hour on the hour. You could be in a car, on a plane, train, submarine, hotel, motel, in-laws’ house, whatever. But one of your kids will be bawling about something: a lost penny, a too-sticky lollipop, having to poop. It may even be you who cries, because you realized an hour in that you forgot to pack an extra pacifier. And as soon as one issue is resolved, another crying fit will break out. Guaranteed.




5. You will run out of snacks way too early. You’ve pulled down your driveway, and what? Even though you just fed the kids, they are STARVING. RAVENOUS! So you’ll start doling out the snacks. Which means about halfway through your travel experience, you will run out of snacks. See number #4.

6. You will spend approximately $7 million in the first hour of travel. Say you’re in the airport. Between water bottles for before security, and for after, snacks, meals, magazines, toys, and more snacks (see #5), you can basically blow your entire budget for your trip before you’ve even gone anywhere. If you’re driving, apply the same fact to the first rest stop you hit. How can 5 sandwiches from Wendy’s and a few “We Love Delaware” T-shirts cost $90? It’s because everywhere you go with a family is a money suck, and there’s just no way around that fact.

7. Someone will always have to go to the bathroom. Even if that’s where you just came back from, with another child. But of course, you already know this from going out to dinner with kids. Just prepare to see way more public toilets than you wanted to.

8. You’ll eat something you didn’t want to. Be it from a fast food restaurant that you swore you’d never stop at, or a mushy thing that was probably a potato chip crossed with a Skittle that your toddler spit out (hey, you were starving!), traveling in general, but especially with kids, who need to eat to distract them from the cruel torture of you taking them somewhere fun and new, means sacrificing your diet morals.



9. One of the kids will get sick. This is inevitable. It could be the night before you leave, or while you’re there. But it will happen. Said no mom ever before a trip, “Good thing everyone is healthy!” Just pack the antibiotics and take a deep breath. And know every other parent is dealing with the same annoying reality that when you plan a trip, at least one kid is coughing, and has a mild fever! Be glad no one’s puking (especially you!).




10. You’ll lose your cool. Look, taking a trip is supposed to be fun. But at some point, you are going to wish you’d never left your house. And you may scream, or stalk off, or do something else you’re not proud of. It’s okay! We’ve all been there. The most important thing is to get over whatever happened and move on to #11.

11. You will make memories to last a lifetime. Through the tears, the constant snacking, and bathroom trips, and the drenching sweat that comes along with trying to collapse a stroller in 20 seconds or less to make a train, a bus, or a flight, you’re with your family. And that is what matters. In ten years, you won’t remember how the kids managed to lose 7 pairs of socks at the hotel. Or how your toddler tried to take her poop-filled swim diaper off in the elevator. You’ll remember the fun you had, together. You’ll remember the smiles!




And most off all, you’ll remember the love.

What else always happens when you travel with kids?

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Photos: BabyCenter community members, Melissa Willets, and Thinkstock

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