A lot of people have strong opinions about brown rice and quinoa. They can generally be used interchangeably, but have you ever compared the two nutritionally? They are so different. Its a little crazy. Just the protein in quinoa alone is reason to choose quinoa every time.
I love to make a big batch of quinoa just to have left overs to use the next day. A great way to use up leftover quinoa is to make quinoa fritters. Am I the only one that giggles every time I say the word “fritters”? – I feel like I need a Country Cousin accent or something Anyway, quinoa fritters really are good. Dip them in a homemade (soy free) mayo and they would make a great lunch or dinner.
2-4 tablespoons coconut oil
1 cup of cooked quinoa (ours shown here had chicken and sautéed mushrooms)
3 medium eggs
1 medium carrot, grated
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 stalk of celery, finely chopped
Salt & pepper, to taste
1. Beat the eggs in a bowl. Saute’ the onion and celery in a pan with coconut oil until translucent. Add the shredded carrots. Once they are mostly all softened, move to a bowl to cool. Now mix the quinoa and all the ingredients into the egg mixture.
2. Add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to a medium fry pan on moderate heat. Using a big spoon, scoop out the fritter mixture and place in the fry pan and flatten a little. Place as many as you want in the fry pan, trying not to over crowd. Cook for a few minutes on each side, until lightly golden and move to paper towels. Repeat until you use up all the fritter mixture. You may need to add more coconut oil in between batches.
3. Serve warm and dip in your favorite sauce, aioli or mayo
Do you like quinoa? Have you ever made quinoa fritters before?
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