Where’s the craziest place you’ve worn your baby?

by Unknown , at 10:52 , has 0 nhận xét

It wasn’t until I had my third child that I finally discovered the magic of babywearing. And I haven’t looked back since.

These days, my 6-month-old is along for the ride hands-free on a daily basis. I wear her in everyday places like the grocery store, around the house, or while walking on an indoor track. But I’ve also used the baby carrier during our fair share of crazy/unconventional/amusing situations. Some of these places include:

1) At a movie theater. She was a trooper for her first big-screen experience.


2) While getting a hearing test. I was so thankful my baby was zonked out for a nap as I was in the waiting room for a hearing test. She stayed asleep the entire time, snuggled close to me.

3) On a train. It wasn’t technically a “real” train, it was a free ride at a local fall fest.


4) While my oldest got a filling. A couple of months ago, I had the pleasure (ha!) of taking all three kids with me while my son got a filling. My baby stayed calm and content in the carrier while I kept her older sister entertained and her older brother from freaking out.

5) At my high school reunion. Because my 10-week-old nursling refused bottles, I took her with me to my high school reunion. She was my favorite accessory.

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6) While nursing, unloading my cart, and paying at the checkout, with my 2-year-old along, too. This is hands-down one of my greatest multitasking feats while babywearing.


7) On the toilet. Hey, a mama’s gotta do what a mama’s gotta do when nature calls and baby is sound asleep in the carrier.


I also asked my fellow BabyCenter bloggers to share the craziest places they’ve worn their babies.

Laura Falin: A public restroom: “I thought about handing him over to my husband, but the baby and I were all bundled up because it was cold out and by the time I got all our jackets and wrappings off … easier to just leave him there.”
Sabrina Garibian: “Pedicure, changing a bicycle inner tube, house shopping!”
Joyce Slaton: “Toilet. WHAT A BLESSING. At last I could evacuate my bowels in a serene unrushed sitting!”
Kelly Wilbanks: “While chasing after our chickens to catch them to sell, while going to any and all functions, while using the restroom, while cleaning, etc … it comes in handy all the time.”

With two other young children running around, babywearing is definitely a lifesaver for me. I can still be present for big bro and big sis (and have both hands free!) while my baby takes in her surroundings or dozes off for a nap — whether it’s a soccer game, a doctor’s appointment or a trip to the store.

And if her surroundings happen to be a toilet from time to time, then so be it.

Why do you like babywearing? What’s the craziest/most interesting place you’ve worn your baby?

Share your thoughts!


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