“Ha!” I said in victory, thrusting a positive pregnancy test my husband’s way. “I told you so!”
It was just days after we’d celebrated our firstborn’s first birthday, and my husband somehow thought there was no way I could be pregnant. Though it might have been more fun to get a little creative in telling him baby two was in the works, the satisfaction I got in that moment, proving I knew my body and I was right, is still treasured to this day.
Turns out I’m not the only one who’s gone low-key for a pregnancy reveal. In an era when more is more, those of us who keep it simple can end up feeling like odd ducks. Take heart though, because we aren’t alone.
“How did you tell your SO (significant other)/DH (dear husband) that you were expecting?” BabyCenter Community member NCMAMomma recently asked. “I know some people like to surprise them in some way, so I am curious.”
She continued: “I actually peed on the stick, walked into the living room and said, ‘Does this look positive to you?’ Didn’t think that one through. Haha.”
My kindred spirit!
A peek at some of the replies her post received:
ClaireV6: I basically did the same thing as you…It was like “hey honey we have a problem come look.” We weren’t trying so it was a minor problem lol.
Secretagentmama: I peed on a few sticks in the morning and when he got off work I walked out to the living room and showed him and said guess what?! He didn’t believe me.
Gia6280: He actually knew before me. He came home from work and was like “I think you are pregnant, take a test.” I told him he was nuts but took a test anyway to get him to be quiet. It was positive.
MelissaK88: I had it all planned out how I wanted to tell him…but it ended up being “Is that a plus sign?! It looks like a plus sign!” Lol. Both times. I’m so lame…and inpatient. Haha
mylilcreatures: I told him I was going to test, went in the bathroom and then never came out. He had to come in after me. I was sitting there shaking because this little blessing was quite the surprise. Our 8 month old (at the time) was supposed to be the last!
krisakavamp: I painted a bowl that said “eating for two” and then used it for breakfast and waited for him to notice.
That last one sounds kind of fun, right? I know you’re curious how long it took him to catch on, so I’ll fill you in that krisakavamp later added: “Longer than you would think. I had to get seconds!”
Maybe I wish a tiny bit I’d done something more for my news, but maybe I can also just enjoy the more creative reveals vicariously. Good on you all who had the impulse control to keep such big news to yourself long enough to make a plan!
Your turn: How did you tell your partner your pregnancy news?
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